My findings of my musician website research and general knowledge has concluded to me the vitality of merchandise for almost every type of media product (bands/singers, films, TV shows, video games, etc) in promoting and 'selling' (generating profit) that media product. Therefore, on Wix, I have produced a merchandise shop.
In order to do this I used a website to design my own Lola Leyland merchandise. The website I used was where I uploaded photos from the music video and used a variety of colours to produce a selection of Lola Leyland T-shirts.
Here I uploaded various photos onto the T-shirt. |
After I had made my range of T-shirts I created the store on Wix.
As you can see I have included all the conventions of an online store, size info, prices, a 'basket' and 'checkout'. It is very straightforward to use because I know for a fact that if it was too complicated to use it would turn potential customers away from spending there money - the last thing the musician wants!