Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Editing 15/01/13

Today we just continued editing as normal but we completely panicked when our file was 'corrupted' and we thought we had lost all our work! What had happened was that we were going to show our work to the class on the big screen and we had forgotten that because our project on Final Cut hadn't been exported we couldn't open it on another computer, which meant when we came back to our computer there was difficulty opening it again (the file had become corrupted). Luckily our teachers keep backup files of all the work so we were able to use our back up file and we had only lost a tiny bit of work (which is lucky seeing as for a moment we thought we had lost everything!).

Another thing I've noted about editing is that what is very time consuming is when you put the clip of film you want to use on the time line and then having to delete the audio from that little clip. It doesn't sound like hard work but when you have to do it for each and every tiny little shot, it really does take up a lot of time. However, it absolutely has to be done.

This week we are focusing on the ending of the song which we have decided to display as a montage so we've been choosing which bits of film to use in it and editing them down and syncing them up with the music track.

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