Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Evaluating Foundation Production

Looking back at my previous work is diffcult because it is never as good as you expect or hope it to be when you originally plan to do it.
Overall my groups opening sequence is OK and is definitely not the worst work produced by the year, however it was by no means in the group of top videos, a lot of the other openings were just generally a lot better than ours.

As a group of 3 we worked very well and didn't dispute and always came to compromises if need be, so this definitely worked to our advantage as it made us work efficiently. I also think that the mise en scene and colours were good in the video and relevant to the storyline and setting. In my opinion we were worthy of some marks for that!

There were several things that went wrong unfortunately, including the soundtrack. It took us 5 hours on garageband to produce a very mediocre and cheesy song to play throughout the opening. We had to make sure all the timing was on point which took a long time to get right. The soundtrack we produced wasn't something I am proud of producing, however due to lack of time we had to settle for it and I suppose it suits the theme of the video and it was therefore acceptable.
We also had a lack of shots, most of the style of shots were the same throughout the film, which we only realised when editing. This shows our lack of planning (which was also something we probably did not do as thoroughly as we should have).

We hardly had a storyboard! We had a rough idea of how we wanted it to look however we left all the decisions of shots to the actual day of filming. I now have learnt that storyboards are vital to help you when it comes to filming. I know they are very important when planning music videos especially because every shot needs to be clearly thought out.

If I was to completely re-do the opening scene I would not limit my filming to one day. I would make a note of all the extra shots and footage we need and then go back again and film it, rather than leave it due to laziness and cope with the limited footage we have. This is something I will try to do when filming he music video! If I could do it again I would also try and make a better soundtrack as I feel that the one we made added to the cheapness and lowered the quality of our film.

One positive of all the problems we faced was that I feel I have a better sense of reality of what is needed to make a good video and hopefully I can use the lessons I have learnt to make a music video I am proud of and avoid silly problems that lessen the quality of it.

Overall I think that our video is fine and worthy of a laugh. The grade we got for it was fair. I think the grade fits the amount of effort we put in. It was also a valuable experience as I have picked up some tips on what to do and what not to do which will hopefully come in handy when making the music video. I hope that making a music video will be much more my forte as I feel they are more creative as they are less restricted than opening scenes as they do not necessarily need to make sense!

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